Example DUCTWORK Usage

When you first use the DUCTWORK system on a drawing, you are prompted for the final plotted scale. This is required so that duct size labels, text, and other symbols can be inserted at an appropriate size. The scale factor is permanently stored in the drawing file.

Next, the DUCTWORK Control Dialog Box allows you to specify layers to be used by the system. You can use this to draw supply ductwork on different layers from return ductwork, etc. As you draw ductwork, you never have to concern yourself with what your 'current' layer is, ductwork and all other items are automatically placed on the correct layer.

You can also specify the Duct Modes from this dialog box:
Auto Sizing - calulates duct size given air flow
No Labels - suppresses duct size labels
Centerlines - turns on centerlines for straight sections
Fittings Only - allows you to place a fitting anywhere, without connecting to another fitting
Explode Fittings - inserts individual entities instead of blocks. Allows more flexibility
Spreadsheet Record - logs duct and fittings in a file
Turning Vanes - show vanes in mitered elbows

Now you're ready to begin drawing ductwork.

Place a new Duct Cursor where you want the duct to start. The program prompts you for duct size and starting directions. Type 'NDC' to place a New Duct Cursor.

The Duct Cursor is placed. Choose your fitting from the toolbar...

The fitting is placed initially at the location of the Duct Cursor. Then you drag the fitting into place. As you drag, the new fitting is locked othogonally in alignment with the duct cursor. You can also type the distance if you want. Then...

The fitting is re-draw in its final position, and the Duct Cursor is advanced to the outlet of the new fitting.

The process is repeated...

until the entire duct system is drawn.

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Updated: January, 2023
send inquiries to w4lks@hvacware.net