Me sending my first email message around
All programs here are original programs authored by me, unless
otherwise noted. You may use them if you wish, but I do not assume any
responsibility or liability for their use. I have made every effort to
produce accurate calculations and valid assumptions, but you still must
use your own judgement as to whether the answers given are acceptable.
All these programs use english units, unless otherwise noted.
Psychrometric Functionsfor microsoft
Excel 5.0 or higher,,
A library of Visual Basic
functions written especially for Excel to calculate properties of moist
air. ZIP file contains library of functions and Sample XLS files
showing state point calculations, mixing problems and a simple
psychrometric chart.
Updated: 05JAN07 - Bugfix: Works at temps below freezing now.
Building Heating Loadfor microsoft
Excel 5.0 or higher,,
This is a simple spreadsheet to
calculate approximate heating loads for a single zone. I do not have any cooling load calculation software.
Windows Duct Sizing Program,
A windows application for sizing
new heating and air conditioning ducts. Uses slider bars for input.
Useful mainly for sizing new ducts, but can be used to calculate
pressure drop through simple systems. Written with Visual Basic 3.0 and
therefore requires VBRUN300.DLL in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory
(available from
microsoft). Look at a screen
DOS Duct Sizing Calculator,
A stand alone DOS program for
sizing new heating and air conditioning ducts. Imagine an RPN
calculator customized for sizing ducts. Customizable, mouse aware, runs
on minimum hardware. Full documentation included. I wrote this one in
1989 using QuickBASIC.
Windows Pipe Sizing Program,
A windows application for sizing
new HVAC and plumbing (pressurized) pipes. Uses slider bars for input.
Useful mainly for sizing new pipes, but can be used to calculate
pressure drop through simple systems. Written with Visual Basic 3.0 and
therefore requires VBRUN300.DLL in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory
(available from
Due to complexity, I do not have any cooling load calculation software.
If you have an HP-48 calculator I would highly recommend:
by James Weisbin
This is a psychrometric analysis
program written in HP-48 system RPL. It's very fast and will determine
properties of moist air for a single state point and solve mixing
problems. Works for HP-48SX and GX and handles both SI and english
I DO appreciate your messages if you have taken my software and find it
useful, but...
Please do not email me asking about HVAC system recommendations or
advice. I do this for a living and do not have time to answer your
questions for free.
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Updated: January, 2017
send inquiries to